Friday, May 6, 2011

First Post Friday!

Take off your pants, throw your keys in the bowl and grab a blindfold, 'cause it's about to get awesome up in here! This blog will be a pop culture bacchanal for bespectacled shut-ins like myself, devoted to the art and science of nerding-out. Throughout the week, I'll be giving you the skinny on anything that strikes my fancy, then offer my pathologically over-thought opinions on why it should or shouldn't strike the fancies of others. Occasionally you can catch me waxing rhapsodic on the things that I feel deserve to be waxed rhapsodically, all for your amusement!

Why, that sounds both entertaining and thought-provoking!

But wait, there's more! In addition to all the sharp wit and manic deconstruction, I'll be keeping the world at large (that's you guys!) up-to-date on the various projects and creative pursuits of your's truly (thats me!), Mike "The Dented One" LeClaire. You read correctly: the one-and-only, currently unemployed writer/filmmaker/comedian/actor/one-man-band Mike LeClaire (again, me) will be subjecting the public (still you) to his multimedia creation-things and debuting original content on this very blog!.. weekly!

Absurdly analytical commentary on popular culture AND exclusive original content spanning all forms of media, all free of charge?!?! Looks like it will indeed be getting awesome up in here...

Hugs and Kisses,
The Dented One


  1. It is getting awesome over here already... it's everywhere...

  2. That just means you're doing it right. Keep it up, champ!
